
James Peak - Guitarist on the Move

A new guitar video from James Peak.  It's all about stepping out of what's comfortable and just letting the big dog eat.  Check it out today....

The Scene's Set

A great place and day for a video.

This building has some character.

This awning had great acoustics.

A focal point.

The Crew

Lucas and Kristi discuss the shoot.


Livin' Life Day To Day

New Music Video

While it's been a while since I recorded completely new music, I find several outlets for creativity. My favorite thing to do's come up with a video for songs... 

Livin' Life Day to Day

One of several songs that must've fallen from the sky and landed on me.  The drums, guitars, singing and songwriting was me.  The bass player on this song's Erik Brandborg, one of my best friends, and a ROCKER! 

The song was written about how much my life was getting better but how much worse it got for those that follow ridiculous rules and low standards.  Fighting for only their own interests or financial concern... 

The video stars, Sean Lewis, Noah Benzing, James Peak, Erik Peak, Leslie Peak, Megan Bryant and Therasa Lawrence.  


Guided by Voices: Live at Cain's:

Capturing Live Music:

From the floor of Cain's

Guided by Voices: GO SEE THEM LIVE!!!!

I set out with two cameras and a ticket for the Guided by Voices show on 8-13-2016.  I'd seen them before... their albums always seemed to fall short compared to their monstrous live shows.  The energy's the best reason to see GBV.  

I decided that I didn't want to make a full concert video... Instead, I wanted to capture awesome moments throughout the performance.  

Cain's Ballroom has always had great acoustics... the stage was built for working bands and performers. Guided by Voices seemed right at home here in Tulsa, OK, They played at least 50 songs... Amazing!

In the end, I captured around 24 minutes of top notch performance... I wanted to do more but I enjoy the results so much, I was proud of myself... check out the performance on Youtube.com. 

571 views so far... NICE!


sPEAKable Him Link Button

In addition to artist and musician, Mr. Peak also publishes his writing on another weblog: sPeakable Him. His rants, raves, and deeper thoughts are quite interesting. Please check it out.

As always, Mrs. Peak designed a link button for that.

~ Mrs. Peak

Link Button From Peak MUSIC

Mrs. Peak's creative talent has designed a button to link Peak MUSIC with Peak Arts.

©2016 LGMDP for Peak Arts

Be sure to check out Peak MUSIC for some ear candy.

~ Mrs. Peak

New Facebook Promo Art

©2016 LGMDP Leslie Peak for Peak Arts

Designed by Mrs. Peak, with her silly sense of humor, this promo is intended to be used as a Facebook post advertisement at dimensions of 940 px by 788 px. Please visit Mr. Peak's Facebook fan page for Peak Arts.

~ Mrs. Peak


Mr. Peak's MUSIC Blog

Before Peak Arts, there was Jimi Peak MUSIC. It was the first site I created for him. He is a musician, singer, songwriter, and producer. He is also the greatest guitar player I have ever known.

So I designed a link button to Mr. Peak's first blog:

As a musician, Mr. Peak plays the drums, keys, bass, and I already mentioned what a kickass guitar player he is. He writes his own music and lyrics, and he also sings. He has produced his own albums. To say he is talented is putting it lightly.

Head on over, and have some ear candy. You'll be so glad you did. His music is amazing.

~Mrs. Peak

Possibly Idea for Feedburner Email Logo

Here's an option for the Feedburner email logo:

These images lately are only posted because I need a URL. I don't normally post random digital art. It does, in fact, serve a purpose.

~Mrs. Peak


Kickass Feedburner Background

Testing a new background image created for the Feedburner headline animator:

Pretty fanfuckingtastic, don't you think? I think so. Of course, I made the damn thing.

~Mrs. Peak


Second Test Post: Visualization

Because visualization is the key to imagining great things.

And because two is usually better than one (in this case, anyway).

But certainly NOT because Mr. Peak's wife enjoys typing complete nonsense to fill the post area void for helping her see the "bigger picture" in her web design efforts.

~ Mrs. Peak


First Test Post: Customization

Peak Arts is a weblog of creative expression by artist and musician, James Peak. It is being customized by Mr. Peak's wife, and she requires a visual test post to assist her work in design and layout elements.

This post really isn't about anything important.

Or anything at all.

It's nonsense, really.

Have a fantabulous day!

~ Mrs. Peak