
Mr. Peak's MUSIC Blog

Before Peak Arts, there was Jimi Peak MUSIC. It was the first site I created for him. He is a musician, singer, songwriter, and producer. He is also the greatest guitar player I have ever known.

So I designed a link button to Mr. Peak's first blog:

As a musician, Mr. Peak plays the drums, keys, bass, and I already mentioned what a kickass guitar player he is. He writes his own music and lyrics, and he also sings. He has produced his own albums. To say he is talented is putting it lightly.

Head on over, and have some ear candy. You'll be so glad you did. His music is amazing.

~Mrs. Peak

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Cruelty and rudeness will not be engaged. Such words will simply be deleted and the author banned.

We all have our own creative talents and ways in which we express our own uniqueness. Mr. Peak is a lover and admirer of all art forms and would greatly appreciate guests of his weblog viewing it with an open mind, open heart, and respectful thoughts, just as he would if visiting your creative space.

Thank you for perusing Peak Arts.

SPAMMERS: Your efforts are a waste of your own precious time. Please channel your menacing energy into expressions of yourself. Be creative. Start a documentation of your own interests and talents. Stop annoying the world with spam, and start inspiring the world with your heart, soul, and mind.